Thursday, November 5, 2009

Oh the Carrots!

We are so lucky these days to have so many beautiful varieties of carrots. Different colors-white, purple, red, yellow. Different sizes and subtle differences in flavors. I remember when I was a kid it was one kind of carrot. The long orange ones with not to much flavor. Feed your kids one of these carrots, roasted and it will be their favorite new food. They are so full of vitamins, no pestisides, chemicals or sprays. No chemical fertalizers. These crops are rotated so the soil has its on natural defenses and minerals.

Three Ways with Carrots-these are very loose recipes. Play with them, add your favorite herbs, etc.

Roasted Carrots with Garlic and Rosemary
Toss carrots in olive oil, salt, pepper and a sprig or two of chopped rosemary. Roast in a pre-heated oven at 375 until there are good brown crispy bits on them. If the carrots are on the larger side cut them lenthwise.

Carrots Boiled with Orange, Garlic and Thyme
Boil carrots in slated, boiling water with a pinch of salt, a tablespoon of sugar, a quarted orange and a tablespoon of butter. Add a couple of sprigs of thyme, or any of your favorite herbs. Cook them until they are tender-about 10 minutes. Drain, toss in a little more butter and adjust seasoning.

Mashed Orange Carrots
Use the recipe above. After draining them put them in a bowl and mash them with a bit of garlic, butter and a squeeze of orange. Adjust seasoning.

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